For my clients who are public sector partners (PSP), I fulfil the obligations of the authorised person pursuant to the respective Slovak Act on the Register of Public Sector Partners.
In general, and among others, a natural person or a legal person that on the basis of a single contract receives funds exceeding the threshold of EUR 100,000 for a single payment or a total of EUR 250,000 (both without VAT) from the public sector (e.g., from the state budget, public institution budget, municipal budget, European funds), is considered to be a PSP and, therefore, it must be registered in the Register of Public Sector Partners (RPSP).
A PSP is not authorised to submit the proposal for its registration in the RPSP. Such registration must be done through a so-called authorised person (e.g., an attorney at law). For example, if a company doing business with the Slovak public sector needs to be registered in the RPSP, it must first conclude a mandatory written engagement agreement with the authorised person. Only after such an agreement is concluded, the authorised person carries out for the PSP all the statutorily prescribed actions related to the RPSP.
If no natural person meets the above criteria, the company's statutory body / members of the statutory body are deemed to be its UBO.
Exception: In the following cases, the statutory body / members of the statutory body of the PSP are registered in the RPSP instead of its UBO: