Added Value For You

High Quality Standard

Also on the basis of my years of experience from several law firms belonging to the TOP 10 in their categories in Slovakia, I offer you a high quality standard of my services, strategic thinking and the ability to successfully conclude agreements and complete transactions. My priority is for you to receive from me the quality of service I would like to receive myself if I were a client.

Business Mindset

As an entrepreneur, I know that not every issue is equally big, important or urgent. I am also aware that each legal service represents a cost that should be proportional to the nature and value of the business matter to be solved. Therefore, with your consent, I adjust the scope and focus of my advice to your specific case so that you receive and pay for the service you actually require and need.

Big Picture

For their practical applicability, legal solutions must also take into account the tax, accounting and other professional aspects of the case. I therefore make every effort to identify all such aspects of the case when providing legal advice, including the extent of the necessary involvement of experts for these aspects.

Personal Approach

I take care of each case personally and thus you get a guarantee of high-quality service. In order to provide targeted and practical solutions, I am also actively trying to understand the needs and specifics of your business. However, such an approach is a long way off and requires a high degree of mutual trust and quality of the attorney-client relationship.

Tailor-Made Solutions

The devil is in the details ... Each case has its own factual background, often requiring specific treatment. I therefore perceive the standards for legal documentation only as a useful starting point to be further adjusted to the circumstances of the case and your needs. It is also a matter of course for me to provide you with a clear explanation of each proposed solution or procedure.

Effective Communication

I work precisely and yet efficiently. My aim is to solve your issue promptly. Unless it is necessary, I do not drag you after baseless meetings. Today, many things can be solved online or over the phone.

... and all of this in addition to reasonably and transparently set attorney fees, as well as to strictly observed legal duty of confidentiality on matters that I learn about in the course of advocacy.

Do you have any questions for me? Contact me

By email ...

... or phone (if urgent)